What We Do
Our Vision: Healthy Planet, Healthy Life
Irish Doctors for Environment is an NGO and registered charity consisting of doctors, medical students and allied healthcare professionals in Ireland who aim to create awareness, interest and implement action around environment health and the impact it has on our patients’ health.
We work alongside various NGOs, environmentalists, the government, scientists and other organisations both nationally and internationally to ensure full co-operation and education regarding the global issues of climate change which affect local, national and international health.
We strive to support initiatives from local community level to policy change and implementation at a national and international level.
IDE is committed to being an agent for change.
Examples of how we achieve this:
- Working with medical conferences to improve sustainability and reduce their environmental impact
- Green committee network: IDE is working on a network of green committees in Irish hospitals to facilitate projects lasting longer than the rotations of members passing through
- Submissions to government: IDE writes policy submissions to the HSE and other bodies involved in Irish healthcare to help improve sustainability in Ireland such as the 2020 smokey coal ban and current efforts to reevaluate the Irish Dietary Guidelines
IDE is committed to using our position of privilege to speak out on issues related to health and the environment.
Examples of how we work on this:
- Active Transport Working Group: Medics from our Active Transport group have been working with local councils and advocacy groups in Dublin, Cork and Sligo to lobby for improved cycling facilities, championing the benefits of Active Transport for physical and mental health
- Direct Action: IDE has worked with Extinction Rebellion (XR), setting up stands at XR week advocating for the idea that “Climate Crisis = Health Crisis”
- Marching in the Climate strike: Members of IDE took part in the global climate strike in November 2019. By adding our voices as physicians, we show that environmental issues are for all segments of society.
- Addressed the Oireachtas Committee for Environment on the importance of prioritising active transport over electric cars
- See our Media Coverage page for more like this
IDE aims to be involved in the promotion of planetary health science in Ireland, and add to the discussion on the cross-section of climate science and healthcare.
Examples of how we do this:
- IDE / RCSI public health conference in 2021
- Publishing papers and opinion pieces in journals
- BMJ Global Health blog: COVID-19: Opportunities for cities to advance planetary health
- Medical Teacher: Planetary health education in medical curricula in the Republic of Ireland
- Speaking at academic conferences such as the IDE/RCSI public health conference in 2021
- Hosting academic events like Lancet Countdown Ireland and IGHN (Irish Global Health Network) forum
- Inclusion of climate change in the medical curriculum group: IDE is involved in conversations with many medical schools on including climate impact in undergraduate curriculum
IDE is committed to educating doctors and the public on the climate crisis and its health effects. We aim to be a conduit through which those interested can learn more about the issues facing us and how healthcare and climate interact.
Examples of how we do this:
- Promoting climate actions and engaging with the wider community via social media, monthly newsletter, and blog
- The Climate Conversations with IDE podcast
- Hosting talks and conferences involving interesting and relevant thinkers, such as John Gibbons, the Irish environmental campaigner
- Grand rounds talks
- Produced a guide to prescribing inhalers to reduce their air pollution
Do you have an idea for how IDE could be doing more in these areas? Email us at irishdocsenv@gmail.com to start the conversation! We’re always looking to expand our impact.